Enhance the Power of Beauty & Skincare Products with 100% Pure Organic & Natural Oils
Every woman has a bathroom full of makeup, cosmetics, and beauty and skincare products. There can be products on the bathroom sink counter, in the medicine cabinet, in the drawers, under the sink, and even in storage. Even men can be guilty with plenty of lotions, aftershaves, and haircare products too. For many of us, we buy the same products we love again and again. Occasionally we try a new product, and when it doesn’t do its job, we delegate it to the back of the linen closet.
Soon we can accumulate a large collection of stuff in our bathrooms. Most people feel hesitant in tossing products we don’t like in the trash. We may find a use for it one day, right?
What if we could make the products we love or hate even better by adding in 100% pure and organic natural oils? I’ll bet you’d be more likely to use your hair or skin product if it actually worked. These oils can also be a great addition to cosmetics that you already have and use in your home.
There are hundreds of natural oils and essential oils that you can add to your existing skin, hair, and beauty products. All it takes is a few drops, and best of all, most of these natural oils are affordable too. Purchasing a set of 8 or 10 essential oils and organic oils that last for a year or two, makes good sense from a budget point of view.
Read on if you wish to be inspired in using 100% pure organic and natural oils to enhance your existing collection of beauty, hair, and skincare products in your bathroom.
What Types of Natural Oils Are Best for Beauty & Skincare Products?
In the last century it was a novel concept that manmade products could be purchased and used for beauty care. But in the past decade, people are becoming aware of carcinogens and free-radicals, and want to ensure they’re using healthy, natural, and even organic products on their face and body. It’s a selling point for many cosmetic manufacturers to offer these “natural” ingredients in the products that they sell.
But most of us aren’t duped. We know that they only use a drop or two of natural” product in that shampoo or cream they sell. These minute quantities aren’t going to have much effect on your skin. For example, castor oil is one of the best natural oils for skin moisturizing, yet the castor oil they can use in skin creams may be from an industrial source, or even hydrogenated or heat-pressed. Often these extreme oil extracting processes can neutralize any beneficial anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, or amino acids that the oils originally contained.
For this reason, it’s beneficial to add in your own natural and organic oils. Yes, you can still use these products that fill up your bathroom, but you can make them better. Here’s just a small list of the natural and organic oils that can benefit your skin and beauty care products.
- Castor Oil
- Argan Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Raspberry Oil
- Black Cumin Oil
What Types of Beauty or Skincare Products Can I Improve?
If your bathroom is full of beauty or skincare products, you can make them even better by adding in a variety of different organic oils. Almost any product for use on your hair or skin can be made better by the addition of pure and organic natural oils. You can use creams and lotions, shampoos, conditioners, spray-on hair conditioners, bubblebath, and shower gels and body scrubs. Some makeup can even be improved by natural oils too.
More Reasons Why You Should Add 100% Pure Organic & Natural Oils to Your Products
When you add your favourite natural oils to your current collection of beauty care products you can also control the amounts of oil in these products. If it’s winter, you can add in more oil to control itchy dry skin, then switch to another oil, perhaps one that is an anti-fungal, such as castor oil which is perfect for a hot, humid summer climate. You can also test amounts and see how they work, and adjust their performance for your hair and skin type.
Natural oils can also balance skin that is oily. Oil glands can produce an over-abundance of oil as they think your skin is dry. When you can rebalance your skin, your oil glands will calm down and return to normal. But it’s still important to wash your face at least twice a day, then apply your moisturizer, with added organic oils in it for additional properties.
Natural oils can also assist in speeding up the healing of cuts and scars. They can help to slough away dead skin cells to reveal fresh new skin beneath. The oil can also aid in skin that has abnormal skin conditions, such as dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis that can result in big dry patches. Oils can also be used on calluses or corns on feet to soften them.
Chances are you’ll think up many more uses for adding 100% pure organic and natural oils to your beauty care products than are covered here.
Another benefit of buying regular drug store or grocery store brands of products is that they’re affordable, and you can add in your own oils. You may have noticed how you can buy more natural skincare products, but there are higher costs associated with these brands. Again, there is no guarantee how much argan or castor oil will be in these products too.
There is no need to buy a special or dedicated argan oil cosmetic line, or to purchase special oil treatments. All you have to do is buy your readily available products from your local stores, then simply add in as much argan or castor oil to your shampoo, cream conditioner, eyeliner, etc. as you need.
You can also make your store-bought beauty products more natural by adding in your favourite oils. This enhances their already existing benefits. It’ll be great making them more efficient and valuable for enhancing your natural beauty!
How Do I Add Natural Oils to My Existing Skincare Products?
Many people may be confused on how to add natural oils to your existing skincare products. There are two ways to do it.
1. Pour oil directly into the container or bottle.
2. Pour out some beauty or skincare product into a small bowl, then mix in oil.
You may wish to test the effects of your natural oils on your beauty and skincare products first, by pouring some into a small saucer or bowl first, then adding the oil. Then use the product at bedtime or in the morning to see the effects of the oil on skin or hair. If you’ve used too much oil, then nothing is lost as you simply used a bowl and can discard the rest and try again.
If you’re happy with the results, measure out a percentage and pour into the bottle or container of your beauty or skincare product.
If you’re having problems getting the oil into the container, you can purchase tiny funnels from the pharmacy or drug store. These are meant for pouring perfume into small travel-sized bottles, but are also perfect for transferring oils into small bottles too.
Here are a few simple recipes that you can mix up from your bathroom full of beauty and skincare products, and add in your 100% pure and organic natural oils that you’ll purchase from online sources.
Moisturizers, Skin Creams, and Skin Lotions
Moisturizers, skin creams, and skin lotions are some of the easiest ways to add moisture to your skin. You can pour your favourite oil into the container or bottle. You can use an eyedropper and count out about five drops for every 1/4 cup/60 ml. Remember to start out with smaller amounts as you can always add more oil, but it’s hard to take it away. Use a small spoon to mix it up, or put the cap on and shake the bottle. Use the cream or lotion in the morning or evening as you would normally.
Shampoo and Conditioner
Shampoo and conditioner is often drying on your hair. Choose one or the other to add in the oil, but not both. People who have naturally oily hair may wish to add the oil to their conditioner, while people who have extremely dry hair may wish to add it to the shampoo, then condition their hair afterward.
Many natural oils can actually help at thickening hair and encouraging hair growth, so they serve a dual purpose in adding them to your hair washing routine.
Pour in about 1/2 tbsp/3 ml to every 2 cups/500 ml of shampoo or conditioner. Wash and condition your hair normally.
Spray-On Hair Conditioners
Spray in hair conditioners are a lot like hairspray, but they’re meant to condition your hair. They can provide a bit of staying power for stray hairs, and add softness and shine. If you choose to add in your argan, castor, or other type of oil, do not add the oil to your shampoo or conditioner. Try about two eyedroppers full of oil to your bottle of spray-on hair conditioner. If you find you need more, go ahead and double the oil.
Body or Facial Scrubs
Body or facial scrubs are used on the body or face. They’re beneficial to knees, elbows, hands, and feet that can suffer dry spots. Since they’re meant to be washed off, you can add extra oil to these types of beauty products. For every 1 tbsp/15 ml of scrub you use, add about half in oil, 1/2 tbsp/7 ml. Mix it up between the palms of your hands, then apply to face or other affected parts of your body. Gently massage in the mixture. Leave on for ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. There’s no need to add further moisturizer to your face, until you wash it again.
If you find your store-bought bubblebath drying, you can add some oils to your bathwater. Note that your bubblebath won’t fluff up as much, but your skin will benefit from the bath oil, and you’ll experience the fragrance from the bubblebath. Add about 1/8 cup/30 ml to your bathwater. The downside of using bath oil in the tub is you’re going to have to scrub out your tub afterwards.
Shower Gels and Cleansers
A better way of bathing is by adding the oil to your shower gels and cleansers in smaller amounts, so you don’t have to scrub out the tub afterward. Use a small amount, such as 1 tbsp/15 ml of oil to your shower cleaner. Wash your skin with a washcloth or loofa, then rinse off with hot or warm water and dry up with a clean fluffy towel. There’s no need to use a body lotion after you get out of the tub.
Shaving Products
Both men and women may wish to shave in the shower. Organic oils can also be added to shaving products for face and body. Oils may not work too well with foams or gels, so stick to shaving lotions or creams. Add only a few drops of your favourite natural oil to your products, then use your safety razor or waterproof electric shaver to remove hair. You’ll discover that you don’t need to pat on aftershave or lotions after, as the moisture from the oil will naturally soothe your skin.
Face Makeup
Natural oils can also be added to the makeup you put on your face. While it’s better to add oil to your facial moisturizer, rather than your foundation or powder, you’d be surprised at how well you can make this work.
Many people have concerns about thinning eyelashes, so one minute drop of oil can be added to your small bottle of eyeliner. The oil will encourage your lashes to grow in thicker and lusher than before. You must be careful to choose an oil that is safe to use around your eyes, such as argan or castor oil. The oil can also help to liquify eyeliner that is starting to dry up, even if it’s still before its expiry date.
A tiny drop of oil can also be added to prime your lips before you apply lipstick. You can also use a natural oil in replacement of chapstick for when your lips are chapped or dry.
Repurpose Products You Don’t Love
There are some expensive brands of makeup and cosmetics that you can return for a full refund if you don’t like them, but many times we don’t have time to return them to the store. But for more store brands, if we buy something we don’t like, we’re stuck with it. So, there it sits at the back of the bathroom cabinet until we remember to toss it out, or give it away.
Many of us also have beauty subscription boxes, but after we open them up we may hate what’s inside them. These items get delegated to under the bathroom sink until a future date when we hope we’ll love them.
But if you hate wasting money, there is a better solution for those products you don’t like, and that is to repurpose them. The best way to do this is to add in your favourite pure oil to give it additional moisturizing properties.
Face creams and lotions can be used as hand creams, or even on feet that can be extra dry. You can also mix the cream with a few drops of oil and a bit of sugar and make them into an exfoliating scrub for your face, hands, feet, knees, or elbows. Since you wash it off afterwards, you won’t have to worry about a scent or fragrance that you don’t really like.
Some eye creams may cause irritation around your eyes, even though they’re supposedly safe around these regions, until you read the ingredients list and wonder what they’re thinking. You can use the eye cream on your feet and add in some extra oil for additional moisture.
If you have a bottle of spray-on hair conditioner but hate using it, mix it with some water and oil and pour it on your head like regular conditioner, then rinse it out.
Shampoo you don’t like can be repurposed as hand cleanser, or bubblebath, and shower cleanser can be used for hand cleanser too.
If you simply can’t find a use for some of your beauty care products, consider donating them to a women’s shelter or giving to your needy friends. They’ll appreciate your donation. Some people even arrange product swaps with friends who may have the same issues you do.
You may even wish to experiment with scents or fragrances if you don’t like the smell of your beauty products. Often synthetic smells are used in lotions, bubblebaths, and skin cleansers. You can pour in a few drops of lavender oil, along with your jojoba oil, to have an extra soothing bath. A drop of lavender can also provide some natural stress relief to a bottle of facial toner you keep in your purse at work. You can even add in a drop or two of jojoba oil to provide some moisture to keep the toner from being extra drying on your skin.
Sort through your bathroom cupboard and most likely you’ll find new ways of using hair, skin, and beauty products, or re-purposing them with your organic and natural oils to provide additional benefits for hair or skin.
Precautions or Warnings When Adding Oils to Other Products
There are a few precautions and warnings to keep in mind before you add argan oil, castor oil, or other organic oils to your hair, beauty, and skincare products.
- Choose oils wisely for eye products. Remember that the eyes are sensitive. Avoid using essential oils around the eyes.
• It’s best to do an allergen test first by putting a drop of oil on the inside of your wrist. Sleep on it, then see if you had a reaction overnight. If not, go ahead and add it to your beauty product.
• If you do experience a bad skin reaction—stinging eyes, red welts or hives, a red skin rash, or burning sensations—discontinue usage.
• Store your 100% pure organic and natural oils in a dark cupboard, away from heat and light, and make sure pets and children can’t get into it.
• Don’t use expired oils, even though it’s tempting not to waste products. Expired oils can become rancid or full of fungi or bacteria. You do not want to use these on your skin.
• Test adding oils to a small amount of product first, just in case it doesn’t mix up well. You may also wish to add as you go.
• Remember that beauty, hair, and skincare products can expire too. If the product is crusty, smells bad or rancid, or has changed colour, pour it out and toss the bottle or container into the recycling bin.
Closing Thoughts
Once you begin adding 100% pure organic and natural oils to your beauty, hair, and skincare products that you already own in your home, you’ll begin seeing real benefits. Even though you have an initial investment of buying two or three of your favourite oils, such as argan, castor, and essential oil, soon you’ll be saving money as you use up your lifetime accumulation of beauty products located far in the back of your cabinet.
Soon you’ll want to share your inspiration with friends and family, who will compliment you on how nice your hair and skin looks, all with the most minimal effort!
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